Saturday, November 12, 2011

New old stuff and new new stuff

November 12, 2011.  Veteran's Day was yesterday, 11-11-11.  Mark was off and it was the first day of my CELTA course at the British Institute in Jakarta.  A belated shout-out to all the Veterans, especially those in the family - officially and unofficially and those soon to be official...  Our stuff we shipped from the US has FINALLY arrived.  Once the Indonesian government approved Mark's position, things seemed to move along.  It took just over three months for our few boxes to get here.  It's taken a while, so now all of our old stuff seems new to us again.  This is the new old-stuff. 

We also have some new new-stuff.  Mark went to the market today and bought a machete and a kelapa muda (young coconut) to drink and eat.  You drink the coconut water and when you are finished you chop it open to scrape out the meat and eat it.  Delicious!  He got a few laughs as he was finishing his shopping because he was carrying around a machete.  He told the guy who sold him the coconut that he didn't have to open the coconut, a service they are willing to provide, because he had his own knife.  When he opened the bag and showed it to them, Mark said they laughed.  We're not sure how to interpret the laughter.  Hopefully they were laughing with Mark and not at him. 

Mark also bought an item he has been coveting for a while, a fan for the braai.  We've seen them on the street.  The sate sellers often have them to fan their coals.  Check it out: 

Kelapa muda


Stacey said...

The grilling / fanning video made me laugh. I really want to know why there is a handle if you're not supposed to use it. Seriously - please find out and post about it. I'll be waiting.

Roxanne said...

Great seeing you guys in action. Love the new place! Hope you both have a happy Thanksgiving this year - we'll miss you.

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