Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The New Alu Lumpang and Cobek

November 9, 2011.  We recently acquired two important kitchen implements for Indonesian cooking.  The mortar and pestle, or alu lumpang, for pounding peanuts for peanut sauce, and the cobek, which is used for grinding chilies to make sambal, a spicy chili sauce.  Mark and I love both of these condiments and they are definitely two highlights of Indonesian cooking.  Ibu Jamilah and I also bought a grill for sate (satay).  She is fanning the fire with a piece of cardboard, because we do not yet have the proper fan made out of woven palm leaves.  We will be getting one, along with a machete so we can properly open up coconuts.   

Alu Lumpang and Cobek

Ibu Jamilah making Peanut Sauce

Ibu Jamilah making chicken sate to go with the peanut sauce

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Who is Ibu Jamilah ? I might have missed it in an earlier post, but since you post like the wind I'm having a hard time keeping up.,

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