Monday, September 5, 2011

Bahasa WOD: Guru = Teacher

September 5, 2011.  I'm on a roll!  When I was student teaching at Rockville High School, every class was started with the word of the day (WOD).  The idea was to help students build their vocabulary.  There was also the not-so-hidden agenda of increasing their standardized test scores, which is the best way to measure not only a student's progress, but also a teacher's ability.  (Did I get anyone riled up with that statement?)  During our first Bahasa Indonesia lesson today, I learned the word for teacher.  It is guru!  That sure does have a nice ring to it.

For the WOD, the student's were supposed to write the word and the definition, then write a sentence using the word.  Here is my sentence in Bahasa Indonesia:

Saya guru biologi. - I am a Biology teacher.

To all my fellow gurus out there:  Feel free to introduce the Indonesian word for teacher into your students' vocabularies and require them to use it when addressing you.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Perfect! I'll make sure they call me that.

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