Monday, September 19, 2011

Trip to Bali

September 9-13, 2011.  Mark had a conference in Sanur on Bali and I tagged along.  The ladies in his office who organized his travel suggested he go on Friday and take me along with him.  I like them.  They were initially concerned about our accommodation because Mark said it was preferable to stay in the three-star hotel where the conference was located, as opposed to a five-star hotel down the street.  When I confirmed this was also preferable to me upon our return, they were convinced that Mark knew his wife well. 

We viewed some sights with his co-worker, Ester, and her two brothers on Saturday.  In the evening we saw a Kecak dance in Ubud.  Mark thinks they should not allow flash photography during the performance.  I agree.

Sunday, Mark attended the conference and I went on a bird walk wandering through the rice fields in Ubud.  Sunday evening I attended the opening ceremonies of the conference with Mark.  The song that the school children sang about science and technology was a highlight. 

On Monday, I headed out to a seaside temple, Pura Ulu Watu.  Ketut, my driver for the day, walked around the temple with me.  I don't think he normally would have done this, but he was extremely concerned that the monkeys would grab my glasses and run off with them and that I would have only a slight chance of getting them back by exchanging over-priced snacks with the monkeys for the return of my glasses.  He offered to take my picture often.  This would have been absolutely necessary if I kept my glasses off the entire time, as suggested by Ketut, because I'm practically blind without them.  I risked it and took in the scenery through my spectacles.  I'm happy to say that I still have my glasses.  I'm unable to determine if this is due to sheer luck or the fact that Ketut carried a stick the entire time we were there. 

Some pictures (click on the pictures to make them larger):  

On beach path in Sanur
Coconuts are...


The pool is open when the fountain is on.  Where's Mark?

Banyan tree - Pura Tirta Empul

In Pura Tirta Empul, the Hindu temple at Tampaksaring

Pura Tirta Empul
Natural spring in Pura Tirta Empul

At Pura Tirta Empul

Offering to gods

Roasting luwak coffee

Tea and coffee sampler

Luwak coffee

About luwak coffee - I would love to help collect the beans one morning

Terraced rice fields

We like the rice fields

Passion fruit flower

My mom, MP, likes roosters

Altar in rice field

Javan Kingfisher in rice field - picture taken through binoculars

Female common orb spiders are big

Banana with seeds!

Rice farming organization - ensures everyone gets water


Hindu temple at bottom of rice fields


Pura Ulu Watu

Ketut asks if I would like my picture taken next to the pretty flowers (no glasses, the monkeys are close)

Beware the monkeys

Pura Luhur Ulu Watu

Random picture of Tshepo

Selected bird walk highlights:
Scaly breasted Munia, Java Munia, Javan Kingfisher, Blue-tailed bee eater, Olive-backed sunbirds nesting


JB said...

beautiful Pictures!

Andi said...

I'm glad the monkeys didn't steal your glasses! LOL!

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